Different Types of Concrete Anchors
When to use Williams
For decades Williams Form Engineering Corp. has gained a world-wide reputation as the one source that contractors, designers, and owners consistently turn to in solving their most complex needs for high capacity concrete anchors.
Williams supplies post-installed mechanical and chemical high capacity concrete anchors as well as cast-in-place anchors depending on application need and design parameters. You can count on Williams for your next project whether it’s a retro fit need such as vibratory restraint, seismic upgrade or new construction projects such as bridges, buildings or power plants.
Mechanical Anchors
Williams mechanical anchors are often used when a post-installed prestressed anchor is needed to resist heavy or vibratory loading. Each anchor is prestressed (proof-loaded) to a load that does not exceed the published yield strength of the anchor rod. A “locked-in” prestress load provides a test to verify the holding capacity and also will protect the anchor against fatigue from cyclical loading situations. In addition, many of Williams mechanical anchors can be cement grouted to provide corrosion protection and also to help lock in the prestress load. Williams’ mechanical anchors have been used for foundation repair, structural supports, seismic upgrades, bridge applications, building applications, power plants and equipment mounting anchors.
Bonded Anchors
Williams Form Engineering offers the best in epoxy concrete anchoring. Epoxy dowels are ideal for static loads, shear loads or applications that require close spacing and edge distances. Unlike mechanical anchors, epoxy anchors do not exert the lateral stress that a mechanical anchor would along a concrete drill hole surface. Epoxy anchors are capable of reaching high bond-stress values in relatively fast cure times.
Williams also supplies cement grout-bond, post-installed anchor systems. These anchors are less sensitive to temperature and cement grout can be pumped more ideally for longer length anchor embedments. Cement grout also offers an excellent barrier against corrosion.
Bonded Anchors
Williams manufactures cast-in-place anchors with threaded bars up to 3-1/2” in diameter and stock lengths up to 50 feet. Williams can customize an anchor system for virtually any cast-in-place application. Williams can supply threaded bar with an embedded plate-nut assembly, Stress Gradient Pigtail Anchors, headed anchor studs and customized J, U and L bolts. Contact our engineering department for details not shown online.